Anywho, last night I wanted to watch Skins on E4 except we can't get E4 at Nerdhouse (our aerial is old and corroded by Hull sea air) . You see this article was going to be a review of Skins but now it can't be as I didn't see it.
I think Skins must be one of the most over hyped/pushed shows I've ever (not) seen. Usually when it comes to advertising I just let the whole process wash over me (granted I don't go and try out every product I see but I don't really have a problem with the whole consumerism process). This time however even I was starting to get a bit pissed off. The little adverts for the show (not sure the word Ident is applicable here) have been on since before Christmas and have featured in between pretty much every channel 4 show it's getting exceedingly annoying.
Plus it's showing all the smelly signs of being absolutely terrible (not just a bit rubbish, I'm talking full on Wesley Snipes money grabbing awful):
1. It's only on E4 which is still a bit of a test the waters dumping ground.
2. It's about Teenagers going to excess - which is not new or really that entertaining.
3. The Channel 4 announcer person was all like "Watch this it's brilliant!" Which stinks of desperation.
4. It's got the grown up kid from About a Boy in it. Now this guy gets a special section on this blog. This bloke is apparently a bit of a Teenage heart throb/dreamboat but if you actually look he has the hideous face of a Gnome, yes that's right a gnome. And I saw him on T4 the other day and he wasn't witty or compelling.
To illustrate my point June Sarpong was interviewing the Gnomey freak when she tried her hand at some subtlety (which was like watching someone with no arms trying to juggle- sad, ridiculous pointless but at least they tried) in one of the interview questions. I can't remember the exact question but she was trying to ask the boy genius if he would be romantically interested in one of the other female presenters. Captain Clever drops the dialogue ball at this point by not really understanding the meaning of it all and ends up sitting on the sofa with the quizzical look of a simpleton - idiot.
She's trying to be subtle you fool and coming off as obvious - please use your brain it's ever so important.

Gnome Face
5. The show has its own Myspace with each character in the show having their own separate Myspace which let's face it is an internet travesty.
As a final note to this Russell Brand said something really sarcastic and funny about this show when he had to plug it for E4. The exact words aren't important, it was the sentiment that he thought it was appauling and ridiculous. That man's really growing on me like some kind of back combed London fungus.