That was once a dog, now it's inhumanely been made to look like Leonardo the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If you look into it's eyes I'm pretty sure you can see that it wants to die - still at least it raised a chuckle.
Thrusting opinions in your face - Cajun Style
and more importantly (due to my younger self attempting to customise it without the correct tools - damn you past me) the overall paint job was a bit screwed).
Well recently I was introduced to this bloke who happens to be mildly artly talented and customises guitars. So I've handed him my 1st guitar with the hope that he could fix up this visual disgrace and then assuming he did a good job I would pay him some money.
So here are the preliminary photos of what he has done (also note this is obviously not finished).
No your eyes do not decieve you that is indeed an unfinished Optimus Prime standing on my guitar, waiting for some sort of Decepticons invasion. I think it looks really cool and assuming all goes according to plan this should finish as an exemplary piece of awesome.
Also if you want something painting you can check out this guys work at: http://www.myspace.com/carillioncustom