Monday, May 22, 2006

Eurovision 2006

It's no secret that I have a passing interest in the Eurovision song contest.
Actually that is an understatement I think the Eurovision song contest is bloody brilliant.
The voting is beautifully predictable and the acts are hilharious.
Also you can play the game of which countries take it seriously and which don't.

Anyway this years contest was exceedingly enjoyable and I muchly enjoyed its goodness. A lot has been written about the winners Lordi (the hardcore knew about them at least a year ago).

But I would like to share with you my personal favourite song of the evening

It's Lithuania's entry and it's super superb because:
A) They all have stereotypical European accents
B) One verse is sung with a megaphone in a Muse stylee
C) There is an electric violin solo
D) A bald man with glasses does a "crazy" dance

Good times, good times.

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