Friday, July 28, 2006
Positive Post 1
The reason for the delayed absence is I have been "researching" topics to write about. (When I say researching I mean reading internet articles).
Anyway pull up a chair, sit down, take your shoes off and smoke a pipe as a will tell you a story.
In the State of Idaho lies a town called Wallace. It's a pretty ordinary small town in one of the fly-over states however it houses one of the greatest claims to fame ever...
It is the centre of the universe...
Just think about that for a minute, the centre of the whole universe, how amazing is that?
And it's not just that which is great about Wallace as per usual here is a breakdown list of great facts:
1) Dante's Peak was filmed there and the local were paid extras.
2) Only 960 people live there compared to the 1 million trees in the valley.
3) Wallace is famous for its brothels (the last of which closed in 1988) now it just has brothel museums.
4) The sraight freeway connecting both sides of the USA curves round Wallace - it is that good.
5) The guy who owns the hotel calls himself the Primeminister - he started doing this on a whim.
6) In the 70s Wallace was a silver mining area which was highly polluted (obviously due to the mining). When the mines were eventually closed everything re grew so the area is evironmentally stable and beautiful.
7) The town has a by-law which allows snowmobiles to be driven on the roads round there.
So there u go Wallace is a super excellent place which has a load of random stuff going on.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Watch this video without question
They were some "pop band" with "Uk Garage roots" (although it was always debatable whether Uk garage was a genuine genre).
Anyway check this video, it is the new single from Alesha Dixon the MC from Mis-Teeq. (She used to put on an excellent Shaggy/Sean Paul esq voice).
Watched it? Did you understand the songs appeal?
Well here is why I like it.
1) An excellent rock guitar riff.
2) That woah woah bit is good.
3) The bridge comes out of nowhere and doesn't fit the rest of the song.
4) It's the kind of pop song the Lostprophets would cover.
5) The song finishes with the guitar on its own.
It's like a beautiful modern pop/rock hybrid and that should be saluted and encouraged.
If you have a spare 25 mins
It is a short anime film called Voices of a Distant Star.
I think it won some awards somewhere or something.
Just in case you need more persuasion here is the blurb (don't know if it's the exact one off the back of the box).
"When a mysterious alien force begins their annihilation of the human race, a young pilot feels called to join the resistance. But the danger of an interstellar battle is not Mikako's greatest concern. For she has left behind the one young man she loves. And as Mikako flies further into deep space, her only way to connect with Noboru is by cell-phone text messages. While Mikako risks her life to save mankind, Noboru waits. At first days, then months, then years for each new message that will let him know whether Mikako is still alive. And while she barely grows older in the timelessness of space, Noboru ages. How can the love of two young people, torn apart by war, survive? To what distance would you go...for your one, true love?"
Oh and you may need to watch it full screen (actually on as occasionally the subtitles can get blurry.
Part 1 running time 9mins 22secs
Part 2 running time 9mins 5secs
Part 3 running time 6mins 34secs
Monday, July 17, 2006
I read this and figured it was wrong
There is so much to dislike about her but I kind of already knew that - this article just pushed me over the edge. It had become quite apparent to me that Miss Hilton thinks she is excellent and has (in her own words) "suffered enough through life" and can "finally allow herself" to be happy. She sells herself as some kind of "brand" but it's just stuff man - where's the substance? She thinks she'll be remembered forever but she hasn't earned the right for legendary status. Also I've watched her try to manipulate people on Tv and she sucks at it.
On the plus side she dated Edward Furlong who is an absolute hero because he played the young John Connor who led the human resistance in Terminator 2. Then when Terminator 3 was in production and he was old enough to carry on the role from whence he left off, he wasn't used because he was a "mad bad boy drug addict" - awesome stuff a genuine role model.

In the words of Leopold "Butters" Scotch "Well you are kinda pretty Miss Hilton even if you do have a big nose."
Then after reading this annoying article I went on to read something equally as annoying entitled - The Top Ten Golden rules of Myspace - the following contains the authors rules and my interpretation of why they are factually incorrect.
1) It's about quantity not quality - Wrong - If you're trying to impress people on Myspace it's a lot better to have 100,000 friends instead of 1 obviously. Also no one is going to sift 100,000 people in great detail.
2) Never request a Myspace Cliche as your friend - Wrong - Request anyone you like don't be different for the sake of it that's just stupid.
3) If you're not going to do this properly don't do it at all - A big lie - I only use my Myspace profile for fishing and not for showing off - that is what the blog is for.
4) Think long and hard before filling in your profile and update is regularly - Lies - Honestly no one cares that much about your Myspace, update it when you are bored this keeps things varied.
5) Be careful with friends requests you don't know - an untruth - You could be careful or you could go crazy and mix things up a bit.
6) Live the Myspace lifestyle - Yer see everything in black and white, pull stupid poses and make sure you only appear at certain angles.
7) Use Myspace as a dating tool if you like, but only after the fact - that's not even a sentence - idiots - I assume the author means only use Myspace on a person after you've started dating. Please ignore this, search anyone you want on Myspace Tom designed it with stalking in mind.
8) Never use ironic music in your profile - No - ALWAYS use ironic music it reminds people of the classics missing from their collection.
9) Be careful not to offend actual best friends - Don't rotate your top eight. If they're your real friends they will understand why your top eight is filled with porn stars and trashy models.
10) Keep your friends international - Look it's harder to communicate with international people (you are less likely to have things in common) so by communicating nationally you're not stifling your creativity.
And finally to close I'll point out that Facebook is cooler than Myspace simply because of its elitest entry system which only allows you to be a member if you attend a certain university (you have to use a specific university e-mail address).
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Smells like July
So here I am to spoil you with another thrilling update.
Except nothing has happened again this week.
So I figured I'd throw you the bones of what could be called some enticing tales.
So I went to my vilage fair which contained rides and balloons. But the Ferris wheel was overpriced, the stalls were overpriced, hardly any of my friends were there and the candyfloss tasted like sugarless crap and the fireworks were cancelled (due to the ground being too dry). On the plus side I saw a carny folk who I think I recognised.
The only other interesting thing that happened is on Popworld Alex Zane said he was going to Hull on holiday but I think he may have been lying.
After all Alex Zane has the face of a liar.

Alex Zane - he's not the Phantom or as the bloke out of Titanic (that's Billy Zane) he is just a liar.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Fun times with weapons
It didn't mean this at all.
But I'm not here to talk about "facts and newspaper articles and world affairs". Today I'm discussing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and 3 (the movie sequels).
(Just as a quick fact when it came to the cartoons Ninja was used in America. Hero was used in the UK as Ninja was deemed too violent sounding for kids).
I'm not going to review the movies (the negative critique would put a downer on the article) so as per usual I'm going to write about the movie's plus points.
1) The Turtles are comedy characters who occasionally take down their advesaries with wet willies.
2) The never use their weapons for fighting, Leonardo is more likely to cut a rope bridge with his sword than stab someone.
3) Splinter the rat looks more like a weasel (than a rat).
4) Both films feature the turtles doing bad ass dance routines.
5) A super hip hop soundtrack is involved and proved once again it is a necessity.
6) No one dies apart from the lead bad guys.
7) The Turtles have the best pithy banter ever.
(Specific to 2nd film)
A) Vanilla Ice is in it.
B) Hopefually that shitty side kick kid never worked again.

(specific to 3rd film)
A) In 17th Century feudal Japan everyone speaks 90s coloquial American.
B) It just seems random that they end up going back in time.
c) Turtles 3 doesn't really follow on from 2.
D) The actor who plays Casey Jones in Turtles 3 plays another part which means the film has a crappy budget.

The only things I didn't like about the two sequels are: Casey Jones is in the third one and doesn't beat up anyone (that's all he's good at). And in the 2nd one the Bebop and Rocksteady mutants are replaced by shitty mutants.
Still both movies are better than that stupid live action Turtles series with that fifth female Turtle.
So in conclusion humans have fought for hundreds of years. Then giant human turtle hybrids have been around a relatively short time and bring peace through fighting. Thus they are the next evolutionary step.
(Splinter is just an evolutionary mess, like the animals found in Australia).
This proves to me the 90s was a new exciting time for film.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Yeah... Capital City
(This 1st update is based in my real life which probably means it won't be that hiharious or entertaining, but that's the summer for you.)
Anyway my Great Aunt phoned up about two weeks ago and asked if I wanted to accompany her Grandson on a trip to London. I of course agreed as figured a trip to London would be a hoot and a holler (it's not really a main part of the story but The Grandson is Greek, and yer he does speak English).
So I listed the help of one of my mates who studies in London. So me and the Grandson met my friend at Waterloo station. I'm not going to go into huge of details of where we went in London because in all honesty it's not very interesting. But I will explain to you the end part of the evening.
I had decided the best evenings entertainment was to be found at "Club Justice". A nightclub in Soho that most of the week was a gay bar, I figured that on Friday's it was a bar that was sometimes gay. (Also I had looked at the Pop Jutsice messageboards and got a brief description of said club - unless of course it was all a cunning ploy to entice me). Well as it turned out we got to the door and the doormen announced it was a gay bar so we left with me complaning about how it didn't say that on the website.
We ended up in the Metro Club and although it got busier it was still pretty damn quiet I think we probably would've had a more exciting time at Club Justice. So eventually we left (the club) and the Grandson didn't look impressed, my friend didn't look impressed I wasn't impressed.
Then while waiting for the bus some Bride to be was chucking up on the pavement with her friends shouting "She's getting married tomorrow!".
So as a final note I think I undersold London quite nicely.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Local Legends
They're like a story combined wih a lie.
Infact that's exactly what they are.
So anyway these are my favourite urban legends I've heard.
Legend: The singer from Aqua was in a coma.
Details: Aqua were due to perform on Top of the Pops that week with some single (can't remember which (possibly Turn back time)). But supposedly the lead singer (Lene Grawford Nystrøm) had taken a lot of drugs and fallen into a coma.
How I knew it was fake: They performed on TOTP just fine. And yeah it does count as an urban legend because friends of mine heard it from other people.
Oh Aqua the only good song you ever did was Turn Back Time (which I swear contains a sample from Donkey Kong Country 2 on the SNES). Although that time you were on the Eurovison contest as half time entertainment was pretty cool.
Legend: Peter Andre was killed.
Details: Peter Andre had disappeared off the pop music scene after making some albums that were (for some reason) successful. Years followed and he was seen on some nostalgia program threatening to make a comeback in the next 6 months. This time passed and no sign of Andre. I was then informed that Peter Andre had been killed in either a (plane crash, car crash, water skiing accident, jet ski accident).
How I knew it was fake: He did make a comeback and re released some of his back catalogue (thanks to a campaign led by Chris "Paved the way to hell" Moyles).
This is my personal favourite.
Legend: Kel from Kenan and Kel was killed.
Details: This absolute dickhead at school told me that Kel was killed in a car crash and replaced with a Kel with a beard. (On a side note he also told me that his dad owned a vinyl Red Hot Chili Peppers album recorded in 1970).
How I knew it was fake: Besides the guy being a chronic liar Kenan and Kel were seen after The Kenan and Kel show in Good burger.
I recently looked up Kenan and Kel on wikipedia and it says that an urban legend went round saying that it was Kenan who died in the car crash. The reason people thought he died is because the Kenan and Kel show was cancelled so abruptly.
One day I hope to start my own Urban Legend but it will have to contain my name so I can lay claim on it.