Well my second new favourtie show is a little program called Heroes which is one of the most popular Tv extravaganzas in America at the moment.
I could go on about all the subtle little things that make it well worth watching but the main point is it's Lost meets the Xmen.
The hook of the show is ordinary people around the world are realising they have superpowers. What is causing this? Who has these crazy superpowers? Does the government know this is happening?
The story telling is pretty much the Lost style with a nice load of questions posed at the beginning and then more questions are added in later. However unlikeLost it seems to be pretty good at answering questions it sets up and more importantly doesn't waste all our time with crappy character flashbacks when we all know that what is currently happening in the characters lives is a lot more interesting.
I could go on about Heroes' characters and who has what power but that would kind of ruin the show (Peter Petrelli and Hiro have the best powers and are the coolest people in it by far).
I think it starts on BBC2 in June so try to watch it - and that's the end of that.

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