The reason being I've been exceedingly busy, also as I wrote 10 posts in a pretty short space of time (granted they were at varying degrees of goodness) I figured I'd written enough for a while.
Anyway the point is I'm back and it's time for me to learn you something.
I now have actual proof that the 80s was the greatest decade for pop music.
The proof comes in the form of this: I have recently purchased the soundtrack to the Breakfast club and The Transformers movie. Now both albums contain the lowest common denominator pop music of the time (obviously that isn't shocking). What is shocking is that pretty much every track is amazing. (You'll have to trust me on this as it would be impossible for a mere mortal to describe how good these songs are).
So this means that if the shittest pop music (always found on film soundtracks) of the decade is superb then the best pop music of that decade must be the greatest ever made.
Now usually I would end this post with a picture of Optimus Prime looking glorious, but I've decided to take this blog in a more adult direction.

That's Hot Rod he became leader of the Autobots after Optimus Prime.
Interestingly a lot of kids were so upset that Optimus Prime died in the Transformers movie (which is why Hot Rod became leader (Ultra Magnus doesn't count)) that they locked themselves in their rooms and cried because they were so upset.
They went in as boys, but came out as men - and that is what being an adult is about - accepting death. Be it the death of a fellow human being or the death of a 10ft tall robot who transforms into a red lorry.
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