So while I was doing that one of my good chums set up a Facebook group to celebrate the beauty and all round goodness of Ellie the hot female presenter of Newsround. If you have a Facebook account I suggest you add it as one of your groups. I suggest this not just because Ellie explains the news in a simple but eloquent manner but because she deserves to be recognised as a master crafts woman. A woman whose job it is explain to children that people are dying in conflicts all around the world and to this end she does a very good job. So go search (on Facebook) Ellie Crisell (the fit one from Newsround) Appreciation Society to get involved in the cult.
If you look to the right of my posts you'll see a list of links of websites I read. Now one of them ickle computer people has suggested that a really cool new craze to start would be blog cards. The idea would be that every blog would feature a blog card that could then be saved as and collected. (Yes I am aware there would be millions). Now as I have come from the collection generation (Pogs, Go gos and Pannini sticker collections) I thought this was a bandwagon I wanted to be part of. Hence why sitting on the right hand side is a big "Blog Card".

The face of my blog card is Ryo Hazuki probably the greatest fictional character of the past 10 years, he appeared in both Shenmue games on the Dreamcast. I could go on about the importance of the character and what relevance he bears to our society and how infact he is actually a post ironic metaphor of our 21st century lifestyles, but here is what you need to know:
1)The game Shenmue cost millions and was the final nail in Sega's massive bloated coffin.
2)Once Ryo went "Looking for some sailors", he then beat the crap out of them in a bar fight.
3)He has a mysterious plaster on his face.
4)In his wardrobe are 10 sets of identical clothes and shoes.
5)What the hell was actually going on in Shenmue is a giant Xfiles esq mystery, and somewhat like the Xfiles there will probably never be a satsfactory conclusion.
This is also the reason why there is a 43,784 signature petition to make Shenmue 3 kicking round the internet.
To be honest Ryo Hazuki and Shenmue represent this blog really well. A massively ridiculous self indulgent mess that to the casual observer looks like it doesn't know where it's going and doesn't really make any logical sense, but in spite of these flaws 40,000 people want a sequel to be made - oh no wait that doesn't work as a clever comparision.
One of my favourite games of all time on the Dreamcast, great post.
I couldn't stand the bad grammar of "1 comments"
I too want Shenmue 3, but the Sega of today are nowhere close to being the Sega of past. They'd mess it up big time.
Biffo is legend!
Thanks for the link fella, although you missed an 's' off the end :)
I rectified the missing "s" and I apologise for the mishap.
As much as Shenmue 3 would be messed up big time (it would have a gangsta setting and be in the future and inexplicably have a terrible camera)
I would still like to see it just to see what happens next.
Also I'm starting to think that Nintendo and Sega getting shit is actually a genius marketing ploy. What happens is everyone realises the decline and goes "oh things were much better in the days of the N64 and Dreamcast" then it is revealed that both companies have joined forces and have a new machine to release and it's filled with great games, is too uncool for the mainstream market place and doesn't fucking store my own playlists or has an online mode.
It just plays games.
It was a simpler time when I was young.
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