I know that's a pretty bold statement but I am absolutely convinced I could.
Whether it would be any good or not is another thing. But I could definitely write one.
So with that in mind and based on the fact that both Indiana Jones and Rambo are getting long delayed (unnecessary?) sequels. I've decided to sit down and list three films I would like to write the sequels to.
(Also note there is a new Jurassic Park in pre production and if this turns out to be the plot I'll be majorly surprised).
Jurassic Park IV: Sentient o Saurs

Plot Synopsis: Another Jurassic park, but this was one is set on the 1st island and is from the Dinosaurs point of view.
Thanks to the dinsosaurs all being created via cloning mass production they are starting to evolve rapidly (no scientific explanation needed)and now are able to think and communicate in dinosaur-ese (this is subtitled). Mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum)comes to the island to shoot the dinosaurs due to his new discovered love of big game hunting (again no explanation needed).
As the movie is from the dinosaurs point of view we see groups of them eating, craping and doing general animal stuff while conversing about the weather. Ian Malcolm turns up at random points (always leading to a big audacious fight). Malcolm kills a few of the hyper intelligent dinosaurs each time then disappears into the undergrowth.
Eventually the dinosaurs hatch a plan and trap Malcolm. They hold him captive for a year getting him to teach them English, mathematical mechanics and how human society works.
One day Malcolm awakes to find his Dinosaur captors gone, he leaves the cage and goes to try to find a way off the island (bothered on occasion by the stupid un evolved dinosaurs). He finds a boat escapes the island and heads for mainland America. When he gets to whichever city is geographically closest to the 1st Jurassic park island he finds the city partially destroyed and deserted.
Grabbed suddenly and pulled into a nearby building he looks on the face of some very troubled humans. He asks them "what is going on?" and explains how he has been away from civilisation. They tell him a chilling tale (shown in flashback) of how Dinosaurs came to the city in helicopters made of scrap and bombed the shit out of all the strategically important areas of the city. So now the Dinosaurs have full control of this city or perhaps the world.
The film ends with Ian Malcolm realising it is all his fault for teaching the Dinosaurs many things.
Most memorable scene: Either when the Dinosaurs are bombing the city or when Ian Malcolm has to teach the head Dinosaur how to speak English by singing that song from My fair lady.
Moral: Dinosaurs shouldn't learn mathematics for fear of them rising up against humanity.
Possible spinoff: Ian Malcolm Dinsosaur Hunter, it's like Planet of the Apes meets that bit in the Jungle book with King Louis the monkey.

P.S: I may write another one of these possible movies later or perhaps I'll decide they are too stupid and write something completely un related.
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