This has happened to yours truly and it is only now do I realise I haven't written a single update for February.... how annoying.
Still nevermind, we all have our crosses to bear and I'm sure I'll get over it.
Anyway February 5th (or Pancake day) saw Scottish band Biffy Clyro perform an impromptu acoustic gig which I was lucky enough to witness. And yes they were very good and stuff and I've included a couple of pictures for whoever it interested.
But this blog doesn't review gigs. Infact usually what happens is it complains about stuff. Which is what is about to occur:
1. The BBC are pissing licence fee money away on the TV programme Sound.
On Saturday afternoons there is this TV show called Sound which is basically the BBC trying to make a music show to engage with Teenagers. It's shite. Really shite. Nearly all the performances get interrupted with talking or they only show 30 seconds of the band playing. The Biffy Clyro acoustic gig was on Sound the following Saturday and featured only a fraction of the footage taken, (I know how much was filmed I was there in the audience having to put up with camera getting in my bloody way).
Also the male presenter Nick Grimshaw is an arsehole click here to see why you should hate him as much as I do.
2. Couples at gigs. I'm a sad bitter old man - that is a given but even when I was younger and hadn't had my heart crushed by a riotous stream of idiot bitches I hated couples at gigs. Why you ask? Because two people supposedly in love always seem to be lauding it over you - there's no hand holding, that's too subtle what we need is full on face suckering and always during the most inappropriate song.
For instance I like Glassjaw. Now I know for a fact that a load of the singers songs are about not being able to get a girlfriend due to his terrible bowel illness. It would be at a point during an "I'm so bitter, I keep pooing and can't get a girlfriend song" that the stupid couple in question would get off with each other.
So how would the singer in Glassjaw feel about that? It's just rubbing it in his face - and that is just spiteful.
So the next time you are enjoying a band with your girlfriend remember hand holding and cuddling is ok but a larger showing of affection is impudent behaviour.
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