I'm exceedingly busy so I'll have to be quick.
First of all it was the 2nd year birthday of this blog on the 18th April. An achievement I know. (that's got to be worth at least 100 gamer points (sorry that's an Xbox 360 joke)).
But in all seriousness if you do read this regularly (when I do bother updating) thanks. It is so awesome when people comment and help massage my bouncy Ollie (some fat kid when I was at school) sized ego.
Anyway Dilbert is a pretty famous cartoon in national newspapers across the world. Dilbert.com has a section where you can add the end box (or punchline) to the end of the daily updated comic strip. so for a few days I may be adding to this blog my own take on the crazy world of business (also I hope you can actually read the blurry text).
So enjoy.

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