Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back in black

Well you'd probably thought I'd given up on this blog but you'd be wrong I was infact biding my time like a non political, non fictional Spider Jerusalem.
So there....

Anyway as you can see stuff has been changed; background colours have gone darker and pictureshave been added. Hopefully you can work out what the top two pictures mean (I plan to change them semi regularly). In the process of updating I lost the blog card which was made for me. This upset me greatly so to compensate I have added a Shenmue III placeholder - that game will exist one day - mark my words.

Another thing I'm thinking of adding on here is my own unique banner instead of the more Self Indulgent Than Myspace title so if you have any ideas send them in to the usual address (or as it is more likely you don't know where I live write in the comments section - if however you do know my address I'll accept suggestions on the back of a sealed stamped addressed envelope).

So what's been going on the world?
Well the Eurovision song contest happened. So here is my (belated) traditional Eurovision song contest rundown. The best entries (in no particular order) were Armenia, Ukraine and Greece. Here are their performances at the final:

So what have we learned?
If the UK are to stop scoring in the bottom three our entries need to feature quality drum rhythms, stupid noises and be sung by smoking hot brunettes. (Obviously I like all three of those things).

It should also be mentioned that Bosnia Herzegovina had the scariest entry.

I don't know what's going on but I think I saw something like this in a nightmare once - you know the kind of nightmare that's deeply deeply locked away in the subconscious and never spoken about for fear of re-occurring night terrors.

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