Unfortunately I've pretty much forgotten what exciting advances in entertainment happened in 2008 and what exciting advances happened in 2007.
Although I think I may remember the key ones:
- The band formerly known as Guns and Roses finally released Chinese Democracy. I have to say I haven't listened to it (I'm waiting until Duke Nukem Forever comes out so I can enjoy the two simultaneously) but that album has been in production so long that it really would have to be one of the greatest albums ever for it to be anywhere near worthwhile.
- The Dark Knight was good.
- Iron man was good.
- Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skulls was absolutely dia-fucking-bolical. It was so bad that it made the idea I put down on this very blog look good, and that idea featured Indiana Jones fighting the real Sean Connery which in turn makes more sense that anything that happened in the actual movie.
- Twighlight didn't make me want to stick pins into my eyes which was a plus. That doesn't mean it was good though. Look I know it wasn't aimed at my demographic but a movie and book that were written/directed by women should not have the overarching message of teenage girls should submit to older men, that my friends is morally dubious. Also the vampires skin went sparkly when they were in direct sunlight, you know instead of bursting into flame - so that age old visual metaphor was ruined for a generation of teenagers. It's at times like this I miss Buffy/Angel at least they had vampires that ate people, set on fire in sunlight and had bumpy foreheads. My other problem with Twighlight (excluding the complete lack of sexual tension between the leads) is that it never pushed the idea that being 17 forever would be absolutely shite, I mean you wouldn't be able to drink in a bar (which is the best place to find people to eat), you're right on the cusp of 16 and 18 so you'd be constantly asked for ID to get a lottery ticket. Finally you'd never be hit on by an older woman because Cougars tend only to pray on men 18 and above. So yeah it would suck. I don't want to end this dissection of Twighlight too negatively so I'll tell you this - in the movie there is an old American Indian guy in a wheelchair who really looks like he can really "rock the shit" out of anyone in that movie. If he teams up with Bella's Dad who is a sheriff with a shotgun I think there is potential for an awesome spin off of Twighlight. Something along the lines of both of them travelling round America shooting vampires in the face. Now that would be film of the year.
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