And that is why I hope that by reminding you of the scene in Armageddon where Bruce Willis gives the speech to the colonel about how he can plant that bomb in the asteroid you'll remember how great that film is:
OK so I'll set the scene.
Bruce Willis has been sent into space to blow up an asteroid which is going to hit the Earth. To achieve this he has to dig a hole (in said asteroid) and put a nuclear bomb into it.
Back on Earth, the president is about to blow the bomb up without it being in the hole as he doesn't think Bruce will be able to dig to the required depth.
The Colonel flying the spaceship Willis is on, is trying to get the bomb out the spaceship, so he can then pilot the ship back to Earth and avoid being blown up by the bomb.
Bruce needs to stop him, hows he going to do this?
BY damn well giving him one of the greatest speeches ever written that's how.
(Scene: Inside the space shuttle, Music: Slow building dramatic strings)
Bruce: For God sake's think about what your doing. Why are you listening to someone whose 100,000 miles away? We're here, no one down there can help us. If we don't get this job done, everybodies gone.
One of Bruce's men: 1 minute (until bomb detonation)
Bruce: I've been drilling holes in the Earth for 30 years.And I have never, NEVER missed a depth that I have aimed for. AND by God I will make this one, I will make 800ft
One of Bruce's men: 42 seconds
(Camera shot of bomb)
Bruce: But I can't do it alone Colonel, I need you help.
Colonel(looking very stressed): You swear on your daughter's life and my families that you can hit that mark?
Bruce (super serious): I will make 800ft. I swear to God I will.
Colonel: Then let's turn this bomb off (manly handshake).
The thing is there's no real point to this article I just want everyone to remember how good Armageddon is, people these days don't sing it's praises enough. And it truly has everything: pathos, acting, explosions, man's hubris, Aerosmith, comedy Russians, Owen Wilson's death, asteroids, Greenpeace, that bloke who isn't Ving Rhames and of course the legend that is Ben Affleck.
So the next time Deep Impact is on Tv (it'll be on at around New year) I hope you think to yourself "I wish this was Armaggedon, because that was so the better movie because at the very least it features the acting talents of Ben Affleck and he's amazing."

So thankyou Michael Bay you make a trip to the movies special.
(In all seriousness if you mess up the Tranformers movie I hope you have an underground bunker to escape to because the wrath of nerds is not something to be taken lightly, not to mention the ass kicking from the "real" Optimus Prime you'll be receiving.)
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