Sunday, August 31, 2008

By the way there's an Xbox 360 and Wii in my house

So the summer is almost over. And thus things might happen that'll actually get me writing again. However until this occurs console yourself with some shiny internet things I found (or was shown).

I found this amazing MSN article explaining to women what a guys choice in videogames console says about him. (I really wanted to find a copy of the article but it seems to have gone - and I can't seem to work out how to search just their articles on (also that kinda rhymes so it must be true)).
Well basically the article broke it down that men who own PS3s are rich and need the latest gadgets. Guys who own a Wii are overly sensitive and full of fun and men who own an Xbox 360 are blood spilling potential psychos who are quite social with other muderous mentalists.
As far as I can see the whole article was devised using press releases and lifestyle photography. It was really funny and I'm sorry I cannot show you the article in all its glory.

Another great internet find is this video here:

Someone has made some really hardcore Super Mario Bros levels (using some kind of level editor). Anyway what's funnier than watching someone trying to play these levels through is listening to the song in the background basically explaining that Mario is attempting his entire quest to try and get laid.
This puts a completely new spin on the old "Who is cooler Mario or Sonic?" argument. I mean Sonic is just questing to beat up a guy with a ginger beard/moustache who tortures animals for poops and giggles. But Mario is a fat plumber trying to get his end away and he beats up the wild life just for looking at him funny.
Now tell me who is cooler...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've missed an even better internet find.

One word, twice: Wang Wang.