Usually this is where I'd tell you about something I've noticed or something I've deemed exciting. However this week has been dull, very very dull.
So rather than disappoint my future self (I'm the only one who reads these things or will re read these things). I'll do a series of small updates.
Ben Affleck - a man
Why is it he annoys me so? He mocks himself in real life (ok cinema - Kevin Smith films) but yet he makes me shout and rant. Please tell me why is he such a cock?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - My Summer
In a month I've watched 3 seasons of Buffy and now I'm starting the 4th (the one where it gets a bit shit and they go to university). I'm a bit disappointed though that in my 1st year of uni I was not chased around and called a freshman. (Though I would've been if I'd joined a sports team (actually glad I chose videogames over being macho and sociable) ). Also there's never a mention of a university in Sunnydale before they have to choose a university - which is bizarre because it's a big area you would have thought Buffy would patrol there regularly.
Totally Frank - The blonde one
Have you seen this show? It's realy really shite. I'm not even gonna explain it just trust me really not very good. However I'm quite attracted to the blonde one (at least I would be if she didn't have such a horrible voice).
I can't get the link working for one of their videos where they are all burlesque dancers but if you go to
then click on "Turn it up" Pop Version aka bad song great video.
Insert male sexist comment here (_______________)
Lostprophets - They finally reach the bigtime
Their new album has been reviewed in the Times which officially means they are recognised as a band by the general public. It scored 3/5 and the best song on it (obviously according to the reviewer) is Everybody's screaming. The reviewer is wrong.
Top of the pops - Cancelled
Pop Justice wrote: "This is partly a good thing because it is currently shit and none of the people you'll read a-blubbin' in tomorrow's press have actually watched it once in the last four years.But it is mostly a bad thing because - unlike Smash Hits - it could have been turned around. It wouldn't have been easy, but it was possible".
That sums up exactly how I feel but they put it more eloquently than I could. Oh and whoose fault it is for TOTP becoming shit it's Andi Peters for producing it and saying one line in Toy Story 2.

It's all your fault Peters and I can tell by your smile and the fact you jumped ship before the SS TOTP hit its iceberg of cancellation that you just don't care.
I do not have Lost I want them, if just to see what IS the best song on the album!
Dammit I didn't think about Art Brut now their dreams will never be realised.
As for Lostprophets I'm not gonna comment on my favourite song in a vain attempt to help boost album sales (or internet piracy).
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