For a start I don't have a girlfriend which kind of makes the question irrelevant and more importantly I'd counter argue that in asking that question you probably have self esteem issues (you pretend to the world you're hot, but inside you're crying because you were the fat kid bullied at school) and I'm not interested as have enough issues of my own.
Anywho the ladies who came up with this question in the first place (or at least made it popular) are the Pussycat dolls. The thing is I recently realised than unlike most girl groups I haven't seen them interviewed or talking about themselves or decided whether they are attractive or not. (I know I mixed tenses there but if they are hot they will still be hot (present/future) but they were interviewed (past) - do you see?)
They only concrete thing I know about them is they used to be burlesque dancers. So I went and did a quick bit of research - I present my findings here.
Question 1: Do they have separate names?
Answer: Yes
Question 2: Please can you please tell me their names?
Answer: Only if you do a comical dance.
.......Actually screw that I'll do things seriously(ish) . Here are names and a brief description of each of them.
Nicole Scherzinger - Lead singer aka the mouthy one.
Carmit Bachar - Red head aka the ginger blokey one.
Ashley Roberts - One of the blondes aka the one who fades into the background.
Jessica Sutta - Brown haired one aka is she attractive?
Melody Thornton - The dark one aka the dark one
Kimberly Wyatt - One of the blondes aka the one with the "rock chick" look.
You can't actually find that much written about them individually (even the bio on their website talks about them as a group). They all seemingly want to be actresses or singers. So this leads me to ask the question are they a group entity? I think the answer is yes - basically whats happened is at school they were regarded as attractive so switched off their brains (they figured they could get away with just beauty) and now they rely on a group conscious state to answer questions and stay alive that's why they are all vaguely similar (socially), regarded as a group and have the same ambitions it would also explain why they do few interviews and why only one of them actually sings.
Anyway that was a side issue you don't want the Pussycat dolls for smarts. But the question remains are they actually hot - usually the video is so quick edited you only get quick shots of most of the girls (excluding the singer she gets the main focus) in the single "Buttons" they did look hot but that was the lighting they were using (I could tell even the ginger one looked alright and in real life (regularly lit TV) she is a skank).
Anyway I'm not gonna give any evidence of this but I've flicked through the internet and they are all vaguely attractive (except the red head one) and they sure can dance so yeah the Pussycat dolls are alright in not very clever, kind of attractive (sometimes), no dinner conversation kind of way.
I do like the way all their songs have a moment in where they do a sexy dance - in truth this is the one time where I would like Life to imitate Art I think it would be cool to have a moment everyday where suddenly music plays out of nowhere I'm there/hot girls turn up and we all do a sexy dance that would break the day up nicely.
And just as a quick fact they occasionally have had guests performing with them (actually as a Pusseycat doll) these include Carmen Electra, Christina Aguilera and Rachel Sterling (not that famous but uber hot).
Oh just to answer the Pussycat dolls lead question "Don't you wish you're girlfriend was hot like me?" Not really I need someone with dinner conversation.

I know the line up has over the years from when they were burlesque dancers to the pop ogres they are today but that kind of seems an irrelevance. And yes I know some of them were in shitty pop bands (Eden's Crush). The comment about the guest stars of Carmen Electra et al was more of a side fact they still count as Pussycat dolls even though it was before they were a "real" band. Please I do research my articles Fleming I'm not the BBC.
I realised my last comment might not be clear enough in my thinking.
So I'll break it down some more:
The Pussycat Dolls (although not the same line up) are former burlesque dancers because they use the same name/trademark.
I guess you could word it as The Pussycat dolls were formerly burlesque dancers not the actual members.
Anyway it still stands I don't owe you five POUNDS if anything you owe me something or other.
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