Friday, June 09, 2006

A musical update

The music festival season officially starts this weekend (supposedly).
So I thought I'd celebrate this with some nice musical information.

(In all honesty I'm just passing information (to you) which you could quite happily find yourself but you'd have to sift through a lot of crap to find it - that's the beauty of the internet - the majority of it is crap).

Anyway there is this dreadful Norwegian boy band called BWY they look like this:

There name stands for Black White Yellow - how I laughed.
And just in case you are interested in them (why?) their website is

(Can't be bothered with a hyperlink for them just copy paste like the poor person you are).

Next more Norwegian music news I've read that this could be a bit of a summer anthem and as I've never been one of the "cool" kids I'd like to be part of a pop music craze.
So check this song out

Maybe if you'll listen to it enough you'll like it - I just don't know.

Finally when it comes to Eurovision "Regionalism in the contest is a memetic epidemic" if you click you will see these amazing findings (complete with Venn diagrams and everything).

The thing is these results come from The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation which is hosted (and I assume researched) by the University of Surrey. So I think somehow I've helped in their research just by living in Surrey (my existence here has influenced them).

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