50 Cent knows this and thinks he understands it.
Mr Cent (or Fiddy as his loyal followers know him) can be seen in many of his music videos surrounded by beautiful women - usually in his rap he explains to us (the viewer) how he has had repeated intercourse with all these so called "stunning hotties."
It's at this point in his rap I usually raise an eyebrow.
You see I don't think he has. Mr Cent may be exceedingly rich and have what I would call a passe gangsta rap career but he boasts so much about all the women he has had I think he is overcompensating. But the question is overcompensating for what or why?
I think the answer lies in my opening statement - I believe Mr Cent wants to score a lot of "poon" becuase he hasn't had the time before (he was too busy building a rapping career to be interested in girls.) So what he has done in these videos is to surround himself with girls and talk big to try to encourage more girls to "get with him." Unfortuantely he hasn't taken into account our televisions not being smellevisions so no ladies are recieving his pheromones.
Either that or Mr Cent is a bit of a Robbie Williams.

Ladies and Gentlemen -> 50 cent a proverbial Bell-End.
No he didn't say "stunning hotties" I was paraphrasing. He said something in gangsta that doesn't translate literally to English.
Interestingly the only gangsta phrase I understand is "fo schizzle" which means "da bomb".
In regards to pheremones they may make women fall for you and maybe he doesn't want that. But they do guarantee attention. And Fiddy needs attention.
Actually theres a whole section of South Park where Chef explains fo schizzle is actually another way of saying in da house.
But you speak better gangsta than me (of course you do you live in London and every other man/child/woman/ carries a knife/gun thus making them a tough gangsta)so I'll believe your translation.
And as for this blog becoming a place for stupid pop culture arguments it was inevitable.
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