Monday, April 24, 2006

Possibly the hardest job

I ask you what is the hardest job in the world?
I'm not asking what's physically hardest, (that's a question for another time).

But mentally what's the hardest?
Could it be:

The guy who has to work out the next number of Pi or

The dude who has to prove string theory is correct or

The political philosopher who has to work out a system less flawed (when in practice) than democracy.

Nope the answer is Lego Blue Print Designer.
It's someones job to take an item and then turn it into Lego.
Think about it, they must think in blocks.
And what happens when they need a special piece that doesn't exist, they have to create it mentally and send the design to the molding department.
I wonder if they see in blocks the whole time, a bit like the end of the Matrix where Neo only sees the computer world in Code.

See it's an X-wing made of Lego someone has converted this film model into blocks of Lego!

It's Amazing!

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