Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Nothings happening, nothings happening a lot of people look pissed (off).

It's still obvious to me it's August (despite the shitty weather) because nothing interesting has happened - August is a boring month in the world of me.
Anyway a couple of important CD related dates. New Audioslave album 4th September (though I think the single is shite).
New Mars Volta album 11th September (no story this time just mad song writing and yeah I know they are an "aquired" taste).
New Sparta album 10th October (their new single Taking Back Control is on their myspace and is actually really good).

Also has anyone else seen that new police campaign for Community officers - it's awesome. There are hand drawn pictures of police officers staring off into the middle distance like heroes. It looks like the propaganda out of a fascist state or communist Russia.

Unfortuantely I don't have a picture of said propaganda because I can't seem to find one. (Unless I e-mail the police asking for it which just seemed mean as I was going to mock them over it).

So yeah keep an eye out for funny police recruitment posters.

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