Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The things I liked during 2006

So many magazines and websites have done a countdown of things in 2006 so I'm jumping on the bandwagon. The difference being we're a week passed New year so I have the gift of hindsight.
Many said this year was the worst year for music, tv, film and videogames. I'm pretty sure the same people say that every year so here is what I enjoyed (in no particular order).

People Came Back
Nelly Furtardo and Take That returned, you probably didn't care, I didn't to start with but then Take That turned out to be funny (that show they hosted on ITV is the key example here). And Nelly Furtardo released a poptabulous album with two good opening singles, plenty of funky bass hooks and synths that sounded like Mega Drive sound effects.

The Xmen
The 3rd film was enjoyable (too many characters but good nonetheless) but the really great Xmen stuff lay in the comic book Astonishing Xmen. Well written, funny and interesting. Yes this was the year a comic actually took my money (instead of just borrowing it from the library).

Taking Back Sunday
I don't care what you previously thought of TBS their 3rd album Louder Now is worth a listen. It's been in my CD player a helleva lot and it's not so emo this time round it's a little bit heavier. Basically one of my chums who didn't like their previous stuff loves it, so check it out perhaps.

The Prestiege
As previously stated I don't like magicians I think they're tricksy. Anyway this film is about two magicians in Victorian with a vendetta against each other. The performances and direction are exceedingly watchable, the story is intriguing and there is a love it or hate it plot twist. It's a movie I think about often and I want you to see it.

Edinburgh Festival
It's fun, it's different, the locals probably hate it, people keep telling me they're meaning to go. So go there.

When I started this blog I wanted to keep the videogames mentioning down to a minimum. But the Wii deserves a special mention. Having a house full of people on launch day eating tins of celebrations, playing with motion sensitive controllers then ordering a massive chinese is a memory I will keep for a long time. Every person who has played it loves it and laughs along with it. Family members, girlfriends, people who have "retired" from videogames. I think it genuinely will be loved by the entire world. If you haven't played Wii Sports Tennis go find someone with one and play it. Oh and to my friends in London who I spent New Year with and didn't bring my Wii with me - I'm genuinely sorry, I'll bring it next time.

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