Friday, July 28, 2006

Positive Post 1

I haven't updated in a week, which for this blog is a long time.
The reason for the delayed absence is I have been "researching" topics to write about. (When I say researching I mean reading internet articles).
Anyway pull up a chair, sit down, take your shoes off and smoke a pipe as a will tell you a story.

In the State of Idaho lies a town called Wallace. It's a pretty ordinary small town in one of the fly-over states however it houses one of the greatest claims to fame ever...
It is the centre of the universe...
Just think about that for a minute, the centre of the whole universe, how amazing is that?
And it's not just that which is great about Wallace as per usual here is a breakdown list of great facts:

1) Dante's Peak was filmed there and the local were paid extras.
2) Only 960 people live there compared to the 1 million trees in the valley.
3) Wallace is famous for its brothels (the last of which closed in 1988) now it just has brothel museums.
4) The sraight freeway connecting both sides of the USA curves round Wallace - it is that good.
5) The guy who owns the hotel calls himself the Primeminister - he started doing this on a whim.
6) In the 70s Wallace was a silver mining area which was highly polluted (obviously due to the mining). When the mines were eventually closed everything re grew so the area is evironmentally stable and beautiful.
7) The town has a by-law which allows snowmobiles to be driven on the roads round there.

So there u go Wallace is a super excellent place which has a load of random stuff going on.

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